Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 246805591221 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 2.056 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 34785.837 (50677.260) as of 3137599 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
22608 09:363:13:12:44 0.34 2e2ce10485f3b6fa6ffc9678f9f6bb8414105615dc04740a1ea7edd2b67b2f5f N/A 17.219 0/8 0.34
22607 09:363:13:12:49 0.34 307b2916c4e247f1a7d40ab8dc02bd5d3b43b372c2494b01eec46f3b41d5c845 N/A 17.219 0/8 0.34
22606 09:363:13:16:22 0.38 c9ace75772f8af2db764196081d0f346e1c6ab6b1deecf494904541c436b5f31 N/A 17.219 0/9 0.38
22605 09:363:13:18:50 0.38 a052f834396606cfe170ef192a40474a875f89055cbf38b1499f91c93f037a25 N/A 17.219 0/9 0.38
22604 09:363:13:19:16 0.34 9b697a1f51d1a7f3639ed19804bb2adc554f56ec6cd855b6fc2c57df6a128ed8 N/A 17.219 0/8 0.34
22603 09:363:13:19:26 0.38 dcbf1eaaca3f084e10db9d0325a448db2ed06383351eb13e709dffd2b58e3ab3 N/A 17.219 0/9 0.38
22602 09:363:13:21:41 0.34 654bffd7195fc82c3af6d1d9c6c7b040f1a30313cda22afbc45f9b760c2fbfef N/A 17.219 0/8 0.34
22601 09:363:13:22:41 0.38 558c68b3918f831b62e4c30e50449e5dcd14ff097abd30b63804004e0de8d21c N/A 17.219 0/9 0.38
22600 09:363:13:23:31 0.38 6d824a1fd89358126868402bc4d36e79c6979c52e26ad6ed03ef16c8e5c77404 N/A 17.219 0/9 0.38
22599 09:363:13:24:26 0.38 9ef44c4452057da26c7650572472b31cdbc78dbd389797917f60eff48dba8234 N/A 17.219 0/9 0.38
22598 09:363:13:24:51 0.38 a5984e86b81f889fb770d246e54a7f4b8ad90200fdbbd8f828ccbcca44fc95fc N/A 17.219 0/9 0.38
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