Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 357036081061 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 2.975 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97196.529 (51902.027) as of 3241018 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
39259 10:131:06:06:23 0.34 0a596f79173b13e62d733f67bdab87bf743868cdfd5994921c1594d6c733c279 N/A 16.951 0/8 0.34
39258 10:131:06:06:42 0.31 e52160f61a215d5db81f512bcc0e58c429d7eda4921d8096bed39f01ab4687a7 N/A 16.951 0/7 0.31
39257 10:131:06:08:36 0.31 3a69803209cdf9f636af9dff454e3f8e946f97ebb80501069066c4a05073dae5 N/A 16.951 0/7 0.31
39256 10:131:06:08:58 0.34 d4bc2f4d2323159245aa18db5493515ba4f3c54df3349a569912f602b904f5e8 N/A 16.951 0/8 0.34
39255 10:131:06:09:33 0.34 b9c248556273c09b9276207a1cd2681b8666434d6cf9f91e4a3d74ccb71a5833 N/A 16.951 0/8 0.34
39254 10:131:06:11:33 0.34 5be4fb844615f473aa95338837ff4582eb3b3969b2d2f32b1e70296a3e2f5624 N/A 16.951 0/8 0.34
39253 10:131:06:13:01 0.34 35a82c0f75d49cad83142921ec9b97f330c56b1b800f743fefe0c2c61353acfe N/A 16.951 0/8 0.34
39252 10:131:06:13:05 2.98 161d1966d78af182fb288e88ac05e79842966caeebb40cd041d950906d16f6f0 N/A 16.951 0/8 0.34
c8ae66cb46aac0e25926ca51dfe36e0d72e558911d23ea98147e0cf6afeae7a2 0001 50.073 22/8 2.64
39251 10:131:06:14:11 0.31 d1098f818a2fccfb9888367fcaddada1b98f4ed4a68a42a026c0517c427b7dfb N/A 16.951 0/7 0.31
39250 10:131:06:14:18 0.31 446373ea33c14132ee289b900146f0301d860172ee737067bbe92f1779218cd0 N/A 16.951 0/7 0.31
39249 10:131:06:14:59 0.34 8d398b5e6ae71b040f17c4ea3671e3f6387bcc5138fd98e1d011201a02e3a453 N/A 16.951 0/8 0.34
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source code | moneroexplorer