Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 393644695606 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 3.280 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97359.124 (51906.281) as of 3241289 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
39508 10:131:10:59:21 0.38 d622d1d93eaf9ce94fc1cb35269d0abc1578370352c19999fa51689a5faa93f0 N/A 16.947 0/9 0.38
39507 10:131:10:59:39 0.38 32c7d1e00d75d65baa59695289075bd308b38fd6898e5edeb0d68e0c8afd99b0 N/A 16.947 0/9 0.38
39506 10:131:11:00:19 5.47 f19d42ff898600840c6b50fe96a3069e653bbf781965d6b6d70c9af142fa7586 N/A 16.947 0/9 0.38
b95d7043509e7e2b3c274b4c1075d1d934f19b76074ab0c1481968c3c5294f3b 0001 10.005 4/4 0.63
3b901e50137f3243717f569a11e3c921317e9fd85278e63994fe7f6e12e57b30 0001 107.048 40/7 4.46
39505 10:131:11:01:56 0.34 7f8dbad64e6a7cf2d2e89536b13387315858303cce5cea9834cee7b58cb4df74 N/A 16.947 0/8 0.34
39504 10:131:11:03:44 0.38 46e87005b03c3443876c9c9f990192f5d3714ea29b43822255372c514aa7601e N/A 16.947 0/9 0.38
39503 10:131:11:04:45 0.30 6d50ceae00b8f54a2bd91da2407796b9d504b2c990617640e220ee1b12f20ec7 N/A 16.947 0/7 0.30
39502 10:131:11:04:58 0.34 f8121335ad7b5cdef0a9cddc7faa3928124778e6a2262c8b3dbe6806aae183b3 N/A 16.947 0/8 0.34
39501 10:131:11:05:21 0.34 8d58b09da8985cca7ec53814baf92cb0b5c08648c1c566ac4ec9499655952ccb N/A 16.947 0/8 0.34
39500 10:131:11:05:41 0.34 5670ff01405395ef0c67130043466a4250458d78ab53b4000102c0e88f8fd77d N/A 16.947 0/8 0.34
39499 10:131:11:05:46 0.34 a032b041535910cd2e567e2c5b128731f44ca69b70535a0fa649285e1ebb2776 N/A 16.947 0/8 0.34
39498 10:131:11:05:55 0.34 7fb523e2be363036e1548227b526d947c267334bb99c94e64bd744e6d3f2330c N/A 16.947 0/8 0.34
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source code | moneroexplorer