Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 382598989136 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 3.188 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97413.124 (51907.168) as of 3241379 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
39565 10:131:13:03:29 0.34 8e389cbd638281b13ec49d9348d224dc6a21e1cfee0be62db7efa430ce2c955a N/A 16.946 0/8 0.34
39564 10:131:13:04:14 0.34 44b44d25e99af3502bd05393dd8e96e671af91c84682daa3d14ee9c4c428b581 N/A 16.946 0/8 0.34
39563 10:131:13:04:29 0.34 0cffaedaf226d882b1a79622dc6575092be29cc4de30ea5dff3ae504570e62a4 N/A 16.946 0/8 0.34
39562 10:131:13:04:43 0.88 19f4ba446c235ce720f0bd8ed05d70abc8e5bd0ff0126792e8dd633664c3804c N/A 16.946 0/8 0.34
57a6f828c3c385c45e2e0eab0fed4967eb6841a2d73888999d78103b01bfe10a 0002 6.000 2/7 0.54
39561 10:131:13:08:35 0.34 e4fd3165f4afd78dcc48ba6cd0d037b8ac31886d1bcc5fd60e6d5f3adc34ea98 N/A 16.946 0/8 0.34
39560 10:131:13:09:07 0.34 77a862a7610c40bb5e4f422b419751d4f513586b0f1bd63344888a62fa27a3c0 N/A 16.946 0/8 0.34
39559 10:131:13:09:26 5.19 83d7777de4e95e3da8bb0b92f624d19a66423bb885f05f582d8218d9f56d1214 N/A 16.946 0/9 0.38
f27b42732fa4e0062c3965615f160b05ff16988040d0411e8af1f2c66418e636 0001 102.420 43/8 4.81
39558 10:131:13:11:01 0.34 a886d281c41c2703f26bab9490ebf03d2d87c05e620e5d12ee739c3566aac900 N/A 16.946 0/8 0.34
39557 10:131:13:12:54 0.38 0c1ea1b375d18da6ecddfda3e8a14d531ea02f4a644fa0c4ddd9fd407d38d0ce N/A 16.946 0/9 0.38
39556 10:131:13:12:57 0.38 4d9d36361a7eeda3c5319234a5a62fed43bf4736e575053cf47de8cb16bfeaf9 N/A 16.946 0/9 0.38
39555 10:131:13:13:51 0.38 46834d5e4fd5143c585335e73dd71c04fa7e23e9baa3dae19c51ecb26d7046e5 N/A 16.946 0/9 0.38
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source code | moneroexplorer