Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 353375595474 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 2.944 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 95973.144 (51872.023) as of 3238979 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
37113 10:129:18:57:54 0.38 dce59210bfd9b0c540980a045e2c04763ae7ba6b20b8b43e3fb1b4f785e2ce12 N/A 16.985 0/9 0.38
37112 10:129:18:58:10 0.38 612cba34c25ac69aa2a6816297b5358e7a0f35246829d6cd7f87177337753f1e N/A 16.985 0/9 0.38
37111 10:129:18:59:54 2.22 c95e6b819eb08e905a36e1d3d623490f9d63f30b7bf6cc8818081249fa8818b7 N/A 16.985 0/9 0.38
6d9a5aa783c7cb99f34f59de2f0f6affff1b6b34977d98e73e8815551c956738 0001 2500.000 4/3 1.84
37110 10:129:19:00:53 0.38 5341bb6f057366ecc8d25ec7abf86fbe1d61b115025ae8e7d5f2007ca294e473 N/A 16.985 0/9 0.38
37109 10:129:19:01:34 0.34 423e7cc160df699887a5c90ebd59f53a60755b3c778ccfde10b1dc6cdccfe813 N/A 16.985 0/8 0.34
37108 10:129:19:02:38 0.38 e4a17731982351afce76ead5279f4095f7926d86eaad025d9ed381cb2c46e664 N/A 16.985 0/9 0.38
37107 10:129:19:03:42 0.38 178d8202f6149613bd18f0893ea80a9daec368a485b3b05a3684c0422c450544 N/A 16.985 0/9 0.38
37106 10:129:19:05:25 0.38 b012f6c3ac39581ed72b689c83b4703679e19b03318ae540e08b3a1944fb5498 N/A 16.985 0/9 0.38
37105 10:129:19:06:25 0.34 f70cd0f06dedd9aa771d3e671ff15123197a070483fb04d669ae73200437b387 N/A 16.985 0/8 0.34
37104 10:129:19:06:40 24.47 78c2240d4809e37d7b7665b1898de4509a4359c04f16a7d67a19e61b39335595 N/A 15.897 0/8 0.38
eb0eff8057b1e632e2c7527ee2fa50a4fb8f3505643f8121ccf93f34933873f2 0002 108.794 66/8 24.10
37103 10:129:19:09:17 0.34 e20ac070c797129de97e5c7c970a6b88039a5f0f8d035f7771b89640dcef5af8 N/A 16.985 0/8 0.34
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source code | moneroexplorer