Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 371613298494 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 3.096 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97323.124 (51905.517) as of 3241229 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
651 10:157:02:06:18 0.38 e6040a4924ed2bd746705c277b9180fdbf84448dc01c0596765abe18f9696c58 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
650 10:157:02:06:44 0.38 9361df85b569c0dde37a19a5ac996d003842d77fc73d76c9ef9da28594dd6497 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
649 10:157:02:06:57 0.30 21e3ea141c25f52089a15f7e61b6eeaf53dfbeda3bb9f53553ed91dabd393ea8 N/A 17.581 0/7 0.30
648 10:157:02:07:53 0.38 c58a3748d3d66d83db5f2df68fc70bfaa9d5e80211d0249306627aeea9fa91f2 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
647 10:157:02:10:42 0.38 7b694368cd651e35c5fd48afe89675538547d4911cc302bf444cf067031b9cbe N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
646 10:157:02:11:53 0.38 b2fba4ab451f89866ef3b29ca7bf005874a81384bf62b2181830df34c1f99b37 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
645 10:157:02:11:45 0.38 08c65ce06260142fa9d161305e156f57d20a382257fb83b94f1b61889dc19cb8 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
644 10:157:02:12:41 0.38 19d77ee5ba125b3c78630f9de2a3e20806c2f9c0844e1a6fee221d874071b842 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
643 10:157:02:12:50 0.34 a8533d2dba9c57474d31ed6529a50f903fe11c746f3b987d5113408fbd663e5a N/A 17.581 0/8 0.34
642 10:157:02:13:36 0.38 8b59176f6fbd07a787c10614c9f6d95f70edd01e74de98fb7b94912482ead057 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
641 10:157:02:14:17 0.38 34553b8e15b07ab5a4d699bba83673cfabff9827471a40b5dae30e6e268f96d0 N/A 17.581 0/9 0.38
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