Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 382420059516 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 3.186 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97414.324 (51907.182) as of 3241381 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
309 10:157:12:38:27 0.30 b8c10e62431192e0f0a1a250b9b27803773573ef0f7955cc95dbeb6b7853108a N/A 17.587 0/7 0.30
308 10:157:12:38:50 0.34 11e63aa4896eacdf2babbacb74d91b52c59b303d25e2f9d1b5954100ebba78cf N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
307 10:157:12:41:14 0.34 b8436636f96d30a5eb72e338110c66b3d2a8233838bb7580477652a4e197286c N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
306 10:157:12:42:34 0.34 94bf92c87465ddc98d5351031c86815506ef87433163c69a3e7586a9625bb9ef N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
305 10:157:12:42:37 0.34 7d5f96398794b53ed7777ae23b7787e3f80ed233a5d7b80b2c9e0f45578ab54e N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
304 10:157:12:44:18 0.34 788b2b84e09104b6707636c5250c5447e4032fab29f9061164bf549bd7affb5a N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
303 10:157:12:44:21 0.34 f47f9e8d2df64b6815bd948070be32d4e61bf7cc857cef1f505b2c61842b8d22 N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
302 10:157:12:44:16 0.34 685811e5418418b831c19bcb2b1b3a5084bc523cef700c093c2a62782d3748bb N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
301 10:157:12:44:08 0.38 b04f6aea6ef461f3c0803c256275d5c4ba7b4378677075ae01ed599d8a3ae564 N/A 17.587 0/9 0.38
300 10:157:12:45:40 0.38 b02e79528f73423fc8cbafb834712af703638d3fb7ba555b68db982a7283c940 N/A 17.587 0/9 0.38
299 10:157:12:46:09 0.34 2c69725e9c910c4edfe1368ad17657737c0db85ac82075deddffb7b8f39a3a57 N/A 17.587 0/8 0.34
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