Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 378536652918 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 3.154 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97447.923 (51907.656) as of 3241437 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
89 10:157:17:50:56 0.34 2e47bc0ebb606f7feb5491e52037a27f480cf186d6f3ae201db17baae03f9b89 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
88 10:157:17:51:50 0.30 fe15e91893f22653edd4c3e1ca908cdddbf939c6a3ebba50870f63ccac4b98fc N/A 17.591 0/7 0.30
87 10:157:17:51:57 0.34 8792baa8c832d6b526903f39fa84db1be489a8e5262af9eb98c5529d43a297b4 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
86 10:157:17:52:39 0.34 6359a200a2a53132688a86b10bb066a4a343f734709f7706cc1db99a9094f637 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
85 10:157:17:53:26 0.30 9a3503de3702ae6c354dbb36452cc05de69d6eb7d6e2bbc8860d91e6c89affb9 N/A 17.591 0/7 0.30
84 10:157:17:53:51 0.34 6cfd914eaec37b1b913239da01d5f3580e781084e6de255db33c2ddb29750e7c N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
83 10:157:17:55:39 0.34 f11346c90be1630e5f89fbe701be903f2ced5b69730ea3c19cefa558a133ef77 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
82 10:157:17:55:47 0.30 25cbbf2b5a264033d774a2c709ab0b7a664a46c9a0ecabb9c1500100f92843b3 N/A 17.591 0/7 0.30
81 10:157:17:56:21 0.34 e49fb6f96d1de6fcb4102ee7120929aae70764dce140df715d2a77d6060101f9 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
80 10:157:17:57:11 0.34 0e3bb260ff112412a272eefa21811f640312fc5104a2e7088a018d4839ca22db N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
79 10:157:17:57:09 0.30 e2c44a311e6193b9cf790cf4ff6cf4e895ced90b3d0ab79a124a695dc1eaebe9 N/A 17.591 0/7 0.30
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