Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 389408904917 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 3.245 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97498.923 (51908.974) as of 3241522 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
108 10:157:20:35:18 0.34 a38aa3981403ab1e275c3c665156a33814fafa3a1bb02c946163e3b5e02500b5 N/A 17.590 0/8 0.34
107 10:157:20:35:35 0.30 b0be2d1a0d5bb02925e81d5f40ee6b93f79116ddd1a9b6a6a8fe649ca94f0f6b N/A 17.590 0/7 0.30
106 10:157:20:35:58 0.30 a21e5240ce34962baef0eaa0704b96e73eaaac0e430bef6cf70baaf18ce9ce77 N/A 17.590 0/7 0.30
105 10:157:20:36:52 0.34 da2876fa770bbd27ed3337d60b419bf89969e5cdeda4e2448e10242df7e89ae4 N/A 17.590 0/8 0.34
104 10:157:20:37:10 0.34 295015085c6fbb57fc80e6192423dbcadbe201f1f8ca2ca0184edab290300ebb N/A 17.590 0/8 0.34
103 10:157:20:38:46 0.34 f06698f760d65ddd005c71bac8ae8786c805a59637fa14a4fdea3759f0a6fbe8 N/A 17.590 0/8 0.34
102 10:157:20:38:43 0.34 230e860c3300fb309e97caab5d12f4f88238a6a67cdbce587aa54487d38ce68a N/A 17.590 0/8 0.34
101 10:157:20:40:20 0.34 7644c521710d3e38df70bfc4acc4b5292f911db23dfe21a60fd8a2919b53e28c N/A 17.590 0/8 0.34
100 10:157:20:40:11 0.30 5cea03624b460925725756f3c87dba7038ed7d1788be6b425a1e26c61b39da1a N/A 17.591 0/7 0.30
99 10:157:20:42:03 0.34 46b3ba3c04869f6e581a0339b1676a0f5d64e6d0b1dcde002b742e9833b01b59 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
98 10:157:20:42:55 0.34 dc14184d71ef1bf098b8ad9d874429553d988a63f8e7ae84bf79c0e7b1b8066c N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
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