Monero (XMR) Blockchain Explorer

MoneroExplorer is an open-source Monero blockchain explorer that shows all XMR blocks, transactions, payment ids, hashrate, emission.

Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 392056138348 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 3.267 GH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Monero emission (fees) is 97502.523 (51909.050) as of 3241528 block

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
70 10:157:21:12:00 0.34 a79431f228c3336b0be1d80748d3f3e8114d98064b31bc083222ca7fafaf641b N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
69 10:157:21:12:20 0.34 531da81dd55d8be58050c09eba44774bc65318c035a1c3118caf664ae3f41f0e N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
68 10:157:21:12:47 0.34 13d6898e4a145a75b766d91ea203b29bce520cc9e6ed2861311aa4ce2d41081e N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
67 10:157:21:12:38 0.34 b9e32a57154bfc8bf7886e78ef151329315e8ebbeea6347ec9b737658ae629c1 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
66 10:157:21:13:31 0.34 54a7d047368b80df2ff5de8a87257b5d9301c569fe9a6a2388c9a5adafaad579 N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
65 10:157:21:14:52 0.34 78d8d5f285b1a100f98dc8cb35e3dd7cb26f2ccf3c9f680ed61c80ae3efed42c N/A 17.591 0/8 0.34
64 10:157:21:15:49 0.37 937c3184c76b1c31df3648253047bcad0b118419408f6485a5d38c8f931d8548 N/A 17.591 0/9 0.37
63 10:157:21:18:30 0.37 d13c82b8f567f7163fffceb1ce77dce28c83f8614d48279b099ed7508bca4fda N/A 17.591 0/9 0.37
62 10:157:21:18:32 0.37 133a3fa32e18d2d2f911f750031d432432ca7d00c6db9a6920db974edb20f6f3 N/A 17.591 0/9 0.37
61 10:157:21:18:43 0.37 0754103d6db541092575fe0d1d06e0ef112c656a1abbe2e120702c62397c5852 N/A 17.591 0/9 0.37
60 10:157:21:18:32 0.37 83407093c48458a217ca5fe64f1e48c860b4d10f0761fc4357fa2d6e7575ac72 N/A 17.591 0/9 0.37
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